Displays, Competitions & Class Etiquette
It is preferred that all pupils who take part in displays have our merchandise. When out and about representing the School, it looks MUCH smarter when all are in our merchandise and looking the same.
Competition pupils should our Competition team tracksuit exclusive to the comp team. Please see the Principal or Vice Principal on how to order.
Our Merchandise is available for everyone to buy (with the exception of the competition team tracksuitand you should contact our stockists at funky panther to order.
Please leave with an appropriate adult or give to teacher at start of class whom will return it at the end of your class. Please do not be offended if a child is seen using a mobile phone in class and it is taken away from them. If a child is injured or unable to take part for whatever reason, then they should be watching (especially if it is a competition or exam class) and not playing on a mobile phone. *when I was injured at college, and watching, I was made to take notes so my teacher knew I was still taking it in mentally!
Jewellery is not essential when taking part in classes and therefore left at home. Pupils should avoid wearing jewellery of any description like earrings, , rings, bracelets and bangles, watches etc. as these can easily scratch themselves or especially during a class when working with a fellow pupil in partner work or team work. No valuables that you would be sorry to lose should ever be worn or taken to class. Too many times items are being left behind and pupils become distressed if not found. It is not the responsibility of the teacher to look after valuables.
*Please do not take offence if a teacher tells a pupil or parent that what they are wearing is not suitable for the subject that they are taking part in or their hair is incorrect. Fancy dance/sports gear is not part of the school uniform and all students are encouraged to wear uniform as part of discipline.
*None of the above is meant for any other reason that the safety of the children in our care during class and discipline within the studio /learning environment.
A uniform can lead to a focussed mind which in turn will lead to enhanced learning. We hope you understand our reasoning behind a class uniform and co-operate fully.
Thank you.
Principal/Head Coach