All grades and classes may wear the same uniform and is outlined below (boys as per ballet or plain t shirt, shorts or tracksuit bottoms)
Sharon Gill School of dance leggings, or shorts alongside our brand new Sharon Gill School of Dance leotards or Sharon Gill Crop Top. All our bespoke merchandise, including leggings, t-shirts etc can be found through our stockists at Pictured here are our crop top/shorts set. Other items are available. Log onto the funky panther website to view all choices.
For our leotards (pictured here) please see your class teacher or click on the link below. or see Hannah who will be in the hang out zone on a Saturday.
* Additional hoodies, jumpers, t shirts and bags can also be found on the funky panther website. . Click on the website to have a look and if you have any questions regarding what is suitable/requested for your Childs class, then simply ask.
Tap: beige tap shoes with Velcro or buckle strap for younger pupils. Oxford style tie tap shoes (beige or black) for older pupils)
Modern/Jazz: Black or beige canvas jazz shoes. Foot undies or pirouette style footwear may also be worn.
Acrobatic dance: Bare feet.
It should be noted that socks alone ARE NOT permitted for safety reasons.
As well as items suitable for class, Sharon Gill School of Dance also offers t shirts, jumpers and jackets which can be worn to and from class as well as if out and about on displays and competitions. Again, these are all available from our Stockists at Funky Panther.
*We also have some new merchandise for when you are out of the studio in our brand new Snuggies/oodies, crocs, sliders and socks which are available to order through our Principal Sharon, or vice principal, Morgan. Contact them or see them at the studio on how to order.
Sharon Gill School of Dance Competitive pupils should own the competition team tracksuit in order to look the same when representing the school at competitions.P(Please see the Principal on to order this
Sharon Gill School of Dance leotards (for tap, modern, jazz and acro classes) may also be worn as an alternative for ballet for grades 2 and above.